Okay, this has nothing to do with ACTUAL events, so Andrea, if you are reading this... please don't hit me.
I love you.
Okay, so, everyone should know by now that as I go about my day to day business, I have this sound track that plays in my head.
Usually, it's not a big deal, but ocasionally if things get boring, I'll start playing music, or have a car chase, or some other good stuff happen in my brain. This one time... there was a hobbit born that had dragons for hands. Thats kinda off the topic, but meh.
Anyways... the soundtrack is usually just white noise with an occasional buh-dum-bump-do-do-di-dump.
entertaining... right?
Well, andrea and I were talking today. Apparently open communication is the new thing and we're trying it. This is cool and all, but it means I have to do more and more tlaking, and it prevents me from doing any real good background noise in my head.
What does this mean?
It means I have to come up with some really high quality background noise for when I get the opportunity to do it.
So, it goes a lot like this.
A: Garen, we need to talk.
G: fffssshhhhhhh.......ssssshhhhhh.... click.... ssshhhhhhhhh..
G: Huh... uh.. What?
A: You weren't listening.
G: Yes I was.
A: What was I saying?
G: (Crap... I wasn't listening.. .think of something quick)
Garens Brain: Uhm.... ASPARAGUS!
G: Asparagus!
A: What?
Garens Brain: Slam Dunk! She'll never expect a thing!
G: So, whats up?
A: We need to talk more.
G: I agree
A: So, I was thinki....ffffssshhhhhhh.....sssshhhhh...click......grrrrgggrrr...sssshhhhh (This is about the point the cool stuff happens)
[The following takes place inside garen's head]
The Admiral: Garen, Sir, we have a problem.
G: What is it admiral?
The Admiral: Sir, the fire ants have built up a... WHAT THE?
G: Don't mind my bulging muscles admiral, they are impressive, but not too impressive as to be worth showing off.... like this (/flex)
Andrea: GAREN!
G: huh?
A: So? Can I?
G: Aboslutly. I totally agree.
A: Good.
This is merely a snippit of how my brain works.
At one point, I'll probably be fiddling with a garbage can lid, or a paperclip, or chasing a bird. I'm never quite sure.
But in the long run, I get a hug, she smiles and goes to wal-mart to buy something. We're all happy, hayden gets a drink, and I put lillie in bed so I can sit on the couch and stare at the ceiling fan. (I love that thing).
Anyways, we're talking more. Discussing things that normal people don't talk about. And in the long run, we're doing better. And this makes me remeber why I love my wife so much.
Also, it was a good chance to explain how I met Grover Cleaveland. See? Be like me? Meet a dead president.
Always a plus. ;)