Sunday, November 16, 2008

IDIOTS! All of them. Total IDIOTS!

Okay, I am very angry at something that I shouldn't be angry about. But I am. And the fact that I am angry about what I'm angry about, really says I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
Okay, here it goes.


Not mine, but the whole evangelical reich. Now, I know a lot of good Christians, don't get me wrong. But there are a few that I just want to strangle. Not a very Christlike statement, no is it? Now, let me tell you why.

Garen: I am so glad that Jesus Christ is my savior.
Tom: You know you are going to hell, right?
Garen: Why? I have taken Jesus as my savior. 
Tom: No, you took another jesus as your savior. The "Mormon Jesus".
Garen: What? No, I believe in the Jesus of the bible.
Tom: No you don't. You're going to hell.


The whole concept of the creedal trinity, the "other jesus" argument, and the "other gospel" argument is making me SO mad today. And honestly, I don't know why it hit a nerve like it did.
The whole argument of "The word is god, Jesus is the word... but your jesus is the brother of satan and heathen offspring of heavenly parents... so youre going to hell." is really irking me.

Who are they, that they have the right, the gall, or the irritating sense of superiority that they have any sort of right to tell me what I do or do not believe?  Honestly?
I mean, I can turn this around to say that since they believe on "once saved, always saved, all grace, no works, salvation" that they are heretics and should be shunned, but I'm not that kind of a person.
But the whole idea of picking on me because you just "don't like mormons".... c'mon. Where do they get off.
If they want to label me as a heathen just because I don't subscribe to" Christianity © Inc.", then fine. I'm happy being a "Mormon", following the "Mormon God", and being an outcast just because I know it's right.

Christianity? Great idea!
Christianity © inc.? You can have it.

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