Monday, November 10, 2008


I'm hurting. I feel like such a baby admitting it. I usually can take pain in stride. I don't complain too much and more often than not I wont go to see a doctor unless Garen forces me too. It's a bad habit really, but pain just doesn't get to me that much. However, I developed a tooth ache last Wednesday that on Thursday turned into a massive swelling of my lower right jaw. I ended up having to go to the ER on Garen's birthday. Thankfully, it was a short visit that resulted in Penecilin for the infection and enough vicodin to last me the weekend. I took my pills carefully and hoped by the time I ran out of painkillers, the penecilin would have fought off the infection enough to stop the mass amounts of pain.

I was wrong.

Now it's Monday, and the swelling is gone but the pain is not. I've been taking over the counter pain killers but its not helping much at all. I feel like crying and rather helpless. I need to have the tooth pulled but I can't until the oral surgeon comes to visit again, which should be late Decemeber/early January. I don't know if I'll make it that long.

So here I am, crying to the interwebs because it hurts bad enough that I feel utterly helpless. Obviously this doesn't help the pain to go away, but it gives me something to do. So there ya have it, and I guess I'll be off to try to distract myself elsewhere. Until next time,

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