Friday, October 24, 2008

Broken Bottles and Bedroom Sets

So a little over a month ago Garen and I purchased a new bedroom set from our local furniture store. After quite a few screwups on the store's part, what should have taken a week took 4. However, the furniture finally got here and the delivery boys took a good two hours to get it in the house and put together, but not without putting an extra hole in the headboard. Annoying, but not something to throw a fit over.

Somewhere in the last week Garen and I saw a new show called Time Warp where they slow down cool looking stuff and show you how it happens. In one particular episode, they broke a beer bottle by slapping the top with their bare hands. Garen thought he'd be cool and tried to do this with a lidded apple juice. He was disappointed when nothing happened and went in the house. I picked up the bottle and took it inside. Hayden decided he wanted some so he handed Garen the bottle, and once he unscrewed the lid, the bottom fell out like it should have.... spilling apple juice all over my carpet. I was laughing so hard I cried, but Garen looked more sad then amused.

Otherwise, I've been working on some no sew blankets for the Blankets of Belief drive. On top of that, my dad has asked for a green and gold scarf and a Green Bay Packer Quilt for Christmas. We'll see what I can get done before then. I've been so busy with school projects that I haven't really had time for much of anything else.

Speaking of, I should be working on those

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