Friday, October 3, 2008

Just A Day

We really didn't do much. I made a baby hat last night for the drive Knit One, Save One. However I don't think it turned out good enough so I will do another. Today though I ended up standing out side for two hours talking to my neighbor today, and while I was only a wall away from the kids I felt terrible that they were alone in the living room for that long. They however, seemed unbothered.

Garen ended up with some early liberty today, which I am ALWAYS greatful for. He even picked up the living room and ran some dishes. I am a very lucky girl. He also made me a nice chicken stir fry dinner, and it was tasty.

I really spent most of the day sitting around. I am feeling much better, but I think I still needed a day of blah or something, because I didn't want to move much. Lillie is suddenly becoming difficult. She is being demanding of attention, and hitting her brother. Hayden so far just kinda takes the beating, and will cry for her to stop. I'm waiting for the day he pops her back, and I don't intend to punish him. I keep warning her he might hit her back someday, but I'd never encourage him to. I'm actually fairly sure he never will... He's just too emotionally aware of others and how it would hurt them.

I had my parent teacher conference for Hayden yesterday. I find that so weird to do. I've been helping him with homework and such at home and sending it with him every day, and he turns it in fine, but he is FAILING at school still, because he is refusing to do the work the teacher tells him to! I'm not sure what to do about that? I've told him since meeting with her he needs to do as she says, but I don't know if that is going to work.

I also supported the school with their book drive. I bought forty dollars worth of books. I hope it helps. I got one that looks intresting for me, called "Confessions of a Slacker Mom". Maybe I'll feel better about myself after that one ^.^

I have so many things I want to get done. I realize I've become terrible unmotivated and I don't accomplish much. I need to do something. I'm just not sure what that something is. I hope I find it soon though. Either way, it's getting late and I would like some quiet time with hubby.

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